
Leoni's fight against NCL

life goes on

I recover slowly from the flue, Maria and Leoni luckily did not get as sick as I was.
After a few days, we all recovered, at least from the flu. The virus weakened Leoni a lot.
Her general condition is again not so good and she just gets better slowly.
At this point, Maria and I realized how far we already went to the limits of our capacity.
Both physically and psychologically.
I am taking pain killers every day again. When I watch movies, documentaries or the news it is hard for me
to hold back my emotions, especially when it involves sick children.
Maria cries sometimes, from time to time secretly. She looks tired a lot.
On the 27th of January the new date gets confirmed, on the 24th and 25th of March. We have a new goal in front of us.
This is again a reason to mobilize all our resources and move on.

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